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total 417 GB
weiy115 GB
ychow72 GB
pscholer45 GB
aoneill42 GB
ctian40 GB
art16 GB
imaniati13 GB
aaikot9.9 GB
anayaz9.7 GB
martindl5.7 GB
weitao4.4 GB
mkholoda3.6 GB
caiyi3.6 GB
yvolkotr3.5 GB
minlin3.3 GB
bauerpa2.8 GB
egramsta2.7 GB
lfaldaul2.3 GB
thsteven2.2 GB
phys-higgs2.1 GB
phys-hdbs1.7 GB
mfujimot1.5 GB
mstratma1.4 GB
cgrefe1.3 GB
linghua1.2 GB
fmontere1.1 GB
zhaozi1.1 GB
delitez807 MB
alafarge802 MB
ddaniele761 MB
panda678 MB
kghorban675 MB
achitan652 MB
ademaria636 MB
awierda607 MB
fgiuli559 MB
wuxi502 MB
yiyu416 MB
hiito325 MB
ltoffoli311 MB
cglasman296 MB
vbalakri263 MB
eballabe182 MB
nifomin172 MB
asaibel162 MB
jlomas135 MB
root95 MB
fdattola89 MB
perf-muons88 MB
lkretsch57 MB
fsforza52 MB
slawlor40 MB
anghosh13 MB
atishelm11 MB
adanders4.6 MB
alory4.3 MB
yongzh3.0 MB
alwang2.6 MB
lgutierr36 kB
Table generated: Sat Oct 5 09:07:18 CEST 2024
Image showing distribution of disk usage per user